17. 02. 2022

How to: 'Describe your current role'

Welcome to our blog series on how to answer the most common interview questions. Be prepared and make the most of every answer with our handy guide!

Describe your current position

Being asked to explain your current role and responsibilities is a common way for job interviews to begin. It’s important to be prepared with a detail-rich answer that is tailored to the job you want.

Why are they asking?

Working out why the interviewer has asked the question is key to giving a successful response. In this case, the panel is looking for an overview of the skills and responsibilities you possess in your current position, and they want to hear how this relates to the role you have applied for.

It might feel frustrating to be asked this question after spending time on your perfectly-crafted CV bullet points, but this is a golden opportunity to really tie each and every one of those points back to the new job you want. Focus on the highlights, and don’t allow yourself to go off on a tangent. Stick to the relevant details only!

Yes, your CV got you into the interview room, but it may be that the whole panel hasn’t had a chance to read it thoroughly or needs a reminder of the details.

How should you answer?

Read the job description and person specification in detail and look for things you do in your role now that relate to each point, then choose a handful of the strongest to make up your answer.

You need to show your interviewers that you are capable of doing the job they are hiring for, giving clear evidence to back up your points. How has your current job prepared you to master the new things you’d need to do?

Instead of simply explaining to mechanics of your day-to-day role, think about the results and achievements you have under your belt. Did you improve a process or create a training resource for the firm that has measurable results? Work this into your answer to show that you made a difference and delivered or surpassed your responsibilities.

To finish up a great answer, explain briefly why you’re looking to move on from your current job. Don’t be negative or bad-mouth your firm, try to shape this answer around your ambitions and aspirations, whatever they may be. Will the new role align with your progression or development goals? Are you driven to learn new things or take on a new challenge? Do you want to move into a new area and broaden your exposure?

It could be that there are tasks on the job description that you don’t currently do, but want to, which is a great way to explain your motivation to move. Especially if you are looking for a step up, explain that you are driven to work at a higher level and that you already understand the theory and processes behind them. Give examples of relevant experience you have and research you have done to evidence this.

Back this up with your personal attributes that will aid your capabilities in the new role. Are you a fast learner? Are you adaptable, determined, resilient, or flexible? Let them know, and don’t forget to back it up with a short and punchy real-world example.


How to answer common interview questions blog series:


For more help, advice, and interview coaching, give us a call on 0207 117 2542, email us at jobs@ajfoxcompliance.com, or message us on LinkedIn.

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