How we can help progress your career
There are so many ways we can help you progress your career in the law firm risk and compliance space!
Sadly, many people tend to expect that our creativity is going to run out after suggesting that they look at a new job. Making a move is only one of the ways you might approach your career progression; we can talk to you about so much more.
Why you might ask? Surely, as recruiters, you just want to encourage me to move to a new role?
That's where we will have to disagree.
Whilst there are many recruiters and recruitment agencies who work with a very short-term view and therefore will do exactly this, we take a different approach. We are here for your long-term career needs. At AJ Fox Compliance we plan to still be going strong 20 years from now and so we can say with confidence that we are here for your long-term career journey.
The first port of call for any career crossroads is to do a bit of self-reflection. What is the current issue you are trying to overcome? What are your short-term aims? What are your long-term objectives? Very quickly you will be thinking about far more than just work. Are you trying to get a mortgage? Do you want to relocate to the coast or a new country? Do you need flexibility in your work? If you don't know where you are trying to get to in the long-term then it can be hard to know how to make the right decisions here and now.
We want to talk to you about this too!
We work at all levels within law firm risk and compliance so we have a great view of all the different career paths available. We can see where you might make progress in leaps and bounds and where you might get pigeonholed and delayed in getting to where you want to be. If we understand your objectives we can help you get there.
The next place to turn should always be your current firm. If you are no longer getting exposure to new issues you should ask for more exposure. If you want to be working on policy you should ask to work on policy. Many of our clients find that when their employees hand in their notice they are moving to broader roles or roles with different exposure, but they never asked for this at their current firm. In most cases, your manager should want to help you grow as a professional and they should want to retain you as an employee. They can't always provide you with what you are looking for but you won't know unless you ask.
If you really can't progress your career any further in your current role then we can help you identify those skillsets, that exposure, or those levels of responsibility you need to acquire in order to make meaningful steps towards your long-term goals.
If you'd like to discuss a role in law firm risk and compliance, give us a call on 0207 117 2542, see our latest jobs, or read more career advice.