05. 01. 2022

Why you shouldn't ghost your recruiter

Not all recruiters are created equal. We know some people have given us all a bad name, but we're not all the same.

Our aim is to be there for you for your entire career in Law Firm Risk & Compliance, whether that's a couple of years or a few decades.

We are here to help you, but we can't help you if we don't know what you're thinking.

It is absolutely fine for you to disagree with us, and for you to not want an opportunity or an interview that we have secured for you. But, let's talk about it!

This isn't because we want to try and persuade you to take it, but because we have many years of experience working in Law Firm Risk and Compliance, we might be able to help.

It may be that there has been a miscommunication, a false assumption, or a crossed wire somewhere along the line. You might not have the right information or may have been hesitant to ask a question. So, the opportunity that you're running away from could, potentially, be something you should be running towards.

We don't want to convince you to take something that isn't right for you, we just want to check that you have all the right information informing your decision. We don't want you to miss out on a fantastic opportunity over something that could be straightened out.

So, if you no longer want to attend an interview or you've changed your mind about a job offer, we only want to double-check the reasons behind this. We won't take a rejection personally.

Often, we'll agree with you!

We might say yes, it is more work than you want to take on. You are looking for a good work-life balance and we happen to know that this team has a lot on its plate. So, maybe this is the wrong role for you.

It's also in our best interests for you to get the right role, not just any role. If you take a role that isn't the right fit and you're unhappy, ultimately you won't stay there, the firm will have to hire again and we may not receive any commission. If you take a role that you're happy and thriving in, our relationships with you and with your employer are strengthened, and we get paid. Everybody wins!

Obviously, we can't know everything and sometimes things don't work out even in the best of circumstances, but we'll always do our absolute best to match you with the right job for you.

So, don't ghost your recruiter. We're not out to trick you into taking a job you don't want, we only seek to understand what's behind your decisions. You never know, if you tell us what's going on, we might have something even better up our sleeves for you. Honesty really is the best policy.

Written by Adam Spencer, Director of AJ Fox Compliance


If you're interested in working in law firm risk and compliance, give us a call on 0207 117 2542, send your CV to jobs@ajfoxcompliance.com, or read more career advice.

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