Advice, insights and information about risk and compliance hiring, careers and jobhunting

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A specialist blog for all risk and compliance professionals, hiring managers, and HR representatives, featuring advice, insights and information to inspire and inform our network.

08. 12. 2021

If you prioritise salary… here’s why not to

Salary is one of the top priorities for the majority of people looking for a new job. However, high salaries too early in your career could actually reduce your earnings over time.
07. 12. 2021

Why are you having trouble attracting talent?

Attracting and retaining talent is a common problem in risk and compliance, but why? We believe career development has fallen by the wayside so candidates are turning down narrow roles left, right, and centre.
24. 11. 2021

Why we tell our candidates to accept offers from other recruiters

Sometimes, we work with candidates who are also looking at roles with other recruiters. If you speak to enough of our candidates, you'll meet one we've advised to accept an offer from another recruiter. But why do we do this?
18. 11. 2021

Why you can't keep people for longer than 18 months

Are you struggling to hang on to your Business Acceptance professionals? When the first person leaves, the team follows in a spiral of doom. Here's why.
11. 11. 2021

Why a good recruiter will never rush you to accept a job

Feeling pressure to accept a job? Massive red flag! A recruiter worth their salt will never rush you on a deadline to accept a job offer. Read why...
27. 10. 2021

Why paralegals should consider risk and compliance

Working in risk and compliance is a great way for aspiring trainee paralegals to gain firm-wide exposure and experience. A fixed-term contract in this field could help you make the most of your time whilst applying for training contracts.