Specialist recruiters in Law Firm Risk & Compliance, we're here to connect you to the right people for your team.

AJ Fox Compliance is unique in its specific focus on Law Firm Risk & Compliance Recruitment, unlike other recruitment agencies this is not just “something else” that we do, it is everything that we do, offering truly specialist Law Firm Risk & Compliance recruitment services to law firms building teams across the UK, APAC and the US.

Law Firm Risk & Compliance is a relatively new space in the grand scheme of things with the oldest functions barely dating back further than 2007. Different law firms have built their functions in different ways and so the Law Firm Risk & Compliance market is a dynamic one with more job titles than you can shake a stick at.

Our consultants work with hundreds of professionals at a huge range of law firms giving us fantastic insight into the complex wider market. This means whether you are looking for careers advice or assistance in building your team we are uniquely placed to provide the support you need.

"What we appreciate most about working with AJ Fox Compliance is their deep understanding of the market" - Head of Risk