Advice, insights and information about risk and compliance hiring, careers and jobhunting

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A specialist blog for all risk and compliance professionals, hiring managers, and HR representatives, featuring advice, insights and information to inspire and inform our network.

12. 04. 2022

Why you shouldn't write off LPC graduates

Yes, if you want to become a solicitor, you need a law degree and to do the LPC. However, having both does not always mean someone wants to become a solicitor.
07. 12. 2021

Why are you having trouble attracting talent?

Attracting and retaining talent is a common problem in risk and compliance, but why? We believe career development has fallen by the wayside so candidates are turning down narrow roles left, right, and centre.
18. 11. 2021

Why you can't keep people for longer than 18 months

Are you struggling to hang on to your Business Acceptance professionals? When the first person leaves, the team follows in a spiral of doom. Here's why.
26. 03. 2021

Can you work out how we can help?

There is a perception that recruitment agencies are merely a storing place for CVs and provide access to a catalogue for a premium. For this reason you can be forgiven for not seeing the value a specialist agency can provide you with. Hopefully this article can shed some light on where else we might be able to help.
03. 12. 2020

The reasons you're losing your best team members, and how to fix it

Find out why you're losing talent and how we can help you minimise and avoid attrition, and eliminate the reasons candidates move on.
05. 11. 2020

10 ways to keep your remote workers motivated

Keep your team motivated while they’re working from home with these 10 tried and tested strategies.